Get a Sneak-Peek of Early Unioverse Character Development In Action

Wyeth Ridgway
November 11, 2022

Unioverse Danger Room Developer Logs

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these videos showing off some early Unioverse character development tests must be worth, well, let’s not put a number on it and just say a lot

Up until now you’ve seen killer Unioverse concept art, gotten glimpses at some of our characters like Reyu, and claimed thousands of our gorgeous NFTs Collectibles. But one thing you haven’t seen is the Unioverse in action.  

Now would be a good a time as any to remind you that while the Unioverse takes advantage of NFT technology – we are not just a pfp. The Unioverse is a game-first, community-owned franchise. Your unique Unioverse character NFT is not only how you will look when you play Unioverse games, it also gives you access to every Unioverse game. 

These are AAA-quality characters we are building. They are fully-rendered, properly rigged, brilliantly lit, shaded and textured character models – and they are all game ready. 

Not only does this mean anyone who holds one of our hero NFTs holds a gorgeous 3D character, it also means that any game developer looking to lower costs (we offer them up, royalty-free!) and decrease time to market can easily plug any Unioverse character into just about any type of game with confidence. 

But we also want to be transparent with the Unioverse Community, to show that we are hard at work building something that is truly groundbreaking and amazing. We are a community-owned franchise, which means anyone will be able to download these character models to make their own animations, or art or comic or whatever.

So today we are launching the Unioverse Developer Log video series. In this ongonig series, we’ll give you a sneak-peek every step of the way as we bring these characters to life.

Some things to remember: 

  • This footage is all very early. Character models and movements are still being developed, and the environments are all boxes and grids – so don’t freak out.
  • These videos are in a series going from oldest to most recent. So you’ll see a progression (and things will only get more awesome going forward). 
  • These videos don’t necessarily represent what any final gameplay will be. I mean, it could, but again, this is more of a proving ground and an early stage in the development process. 

Enjoy this footage, and be on the lookout for more Developer Logs coming out soon!

NOTE: Your browser must accept our cookies in order to view the videos. You can also view them directly on the Unioverse YouTube Channel.

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